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For job seekers

Registration with RAV

If you are affected by unemployment, it is important to register immediately with the regional employment centre (RAV) in Zug. If you meet the conditions, you will be entitled to benefits from unemployment insurance.

Registration with RAV


If you are entitled to unemployment insurance benefits, you must report your unemployment to the RAV. Register immediately after receiving notice of termination, but no later than the first day on which you claim insurance benefits.

It is important that you make and list at least 8 to 12 work attempts per month from the date of termination, evenly distributed throughout the month - around 3 per week. You must be able to show your work efforts at the RAV. Failure to comply with this obligation can lead to a reduction in benefits.

Online registration

Please fill out the pre-registration on Job Room completely before you become unemployed. As soon as you have submitted your registration, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail and a telephone call shortly afterwards.

If you have any questions about registration, please call us on 041 728 25 88.

Telephone call for final registration

Once you have registered online, we will call you shortly after to finalise your registration. This call lasts about 15 minutes. Your details and situation will be recorded in detail. You will then receive a written invitation (priority mail) to your first appointment with your personal counsellor. This will take place within 15 days.

Choice of unemployment insurance fund

Choice of unemployment insurance fund

You are free to decide on your unemployment insurance fund. You can choose from the following list, and inform us about your choice during the enrolment interview:

Arbeitslosenkasse des Kantons Zug

UNIA Zentralschweiz



Once you have registered with RAV, you must register with your chosen unemployment insurance fund in order to claim unemployment benefit: Application for unemployment benefit

Do you have a maintenance obligation towards children? If so, please use this form to notify the unemployment insurance fund: Child support obligation

Compulsory information for job seekers

It is important that you are fully aware of your rights and obligations during your job search and unemployment and are informed about the benefits and deadlines. You should therefore complete the mandatory information on Swiss Learning Hub immediately after registering.

Once you have successfully completed the training, an automatic e-mail notification will be sent to you and to the relevant RAV.

Please note that completing the compulsory information is mandatory and failure to do so may result in a reduction in benefits.

Compulsory information: Swiss Learning

Job Room online services registration

Once you have registered with the RAV, you will receive a letter by priority mail asking you to create your personal account online in the Job Room online services. You can find out how to do this in the video guide registration in the Job Room.

The Job Room online service is a platform for exchange with the RAV to

  • submit the "Proof of personal work efforts" form.
  • submit "Details of the registered person".
  • upload your application documents.
  • set up a job alert.
  • set up job alert lists.
  • make use of the information lead of 5 working days for jobs requiring notification.

Required documents

Required documents

After the registration interview, you will receive a written invitation (priority mail) to the first appointment with your personal counsellor. This will take place within 15 days and is mandatory under the Unemployment Insurance Act. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please inform your persoal counsellor at least 24 hours in advance (see direct dialling). If you fail to attend the appointment without an excusable reason, your benefits may be reduced.

It is important that you come to this appointment prepared. This is the only way the personal counsellor can support you in your job search right from scratch. For quality reasons, no children (under the age of 16) may be taken to the counselling sessions. If you do not understand German, please bring someone with you to translate.

You must complete the following at least 4 days before the first counselling appointment; please use the Job Room online services for this:

Submit the following documents to the Job Room online services:

  • CV (single PDF)
  • Job reference (single PDF)
  • Certificates, diplomas (single PDF)
  • Letter of application (single PDF)
  • Proof of personal work efforts
  • Information sheet on work efforts (received from us by priority mail)
  • Last employment contract and letter of cancellation
  • Any medical certificates or IV registration
  • Signed confirmation of registration (received from us by priority mail)

More forms on
